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The Sun newspaper

When The Sun newspaper headlined with English boxer Frank Bruno's hospitalisation for treatment of depression with 'BRUNO'S BONKERS' the resulting public outcry resulted in The Sun establishing a mental health charity fund and Editor Rebekah Wade ensuring her senior editorial team were trained in mental health awareness. I designed the training in 24 hours as the newspaper had to demonstrate an immediate response to the controversy and to maximise engagement I asked Eastenders actor Ross Kemp - Wade's partner at the time -  to take on a series of role-plays as part of the training to demonstrate a range of media attitudes to mental illness.





Inside - Out

When the Royal Borough of Kensington agreed to fund a Prisoner Project enabling lower-category inmates approaching the final years of their sentences to have time-out in the community I was contracted to design and co-deliver the 'Inside-Out' workshops. I worked closely with several of the prisoners to create an exciting series of interactive workshops and coached them in presentation skills to enable them to share their experience of prison life with local young people in schools and youth clubs throughout the borough.





Progressio / RestorEgo

International development charity Progressio campaigns for social justice and the eradication of poverty. Their management team is spread round the world with directors in Latin America, Africa and South East Asia and this dispersal of staff makes decision making more complex especially in times of change or crisis. Progressio approached RestorEgo Training Consultancy to help their management get to grips with this and I designed and delivered a team-communications workshop that helped untangle some of the obstacles to communication that had not been identified through the normal work management process.


Just a small sample of my work. To find out more just drop me a line or  give me     a ring to arrange a free telephone consultation using the 'Let's Talk' button ->          
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